Monday, December 22, 2008

Luke is 15 today!

Age: 2days
Brenden Luke Huffine
born on December 22 at 11:55pm I was in labor for 34 hours and 55 minutes.
Weighed 6lbs 8ozs and you were 18 1/4 inches long. You were 3 weeks early.
The first thing I said when they laid you beside my head so I could see you was, "Oh he's beautiful!" and it was the truth.

Here you are at less than a week old laying beside the giant Christmas Stocking that you were sent home with because you were born 3 days before Christmas. We got out of the hospital on Christmas day.
Here is your first photos with Mom and Dad....Dad is doing ok with the first holding of the as you can see from your cricked neck..I needed some help hehhehe.
The first night you were home, I slept with a big flashlight on with the lamp covered so I could look at you about a thousand times that night. I was terrified of losing you or that something would happen, I looked at you every time you made any sort of noise.

Here you are at 3month I believe. Cute little bugger!

This is at age 1 I believe, Love your hair!

You were such a good baby, Never fussed, always sweet, You were VERY colicky for the first 3 months though. Lots of crying and fussing until we discovered mylicon for your upset tummy and you were as good as gold after that :)
You grew up way to quickly
Here you are at your Christmas play in kindergarten.

And here you are all grown up and 15!
I guess I figured out how to hold you cuz your neck is no longer crooked!
I think you turned out pretty great..and I am very proud to call you my son.

Your brother Timothy wanted to make you a special breakfast for your day so here it is.
1 egg over easy,
1 piece peanut butter toast
Cinnamon apples
1 Happy Birthday Cookie
Bowl of rice crispies *not shown*
Frappachino drink *not shown*
Happy Birthday son.


Butterfly said...

Thank you so much mom.....I love you.
-From Luke.

Unknown said...

I loved this post, what a cute little baby he was. Dad sort of resembles Jack Black in Nacho Libre does he not? Ahh those 80's